Redemption, not castigation
I’ve mentioned my gentleman friend, G, before (but not in earshot of Hubby). G’s inspired a few of my blogs, which is a bit strange, given that politically he’s to the left of me (as are most people). But sometimes he comes up with an issue that hasn’t been on my radar, or an argument that’s so clever and insightful, and civilly expressed, I just have to pursue it.
So, what has he inspired in me this time? Well, he dislikes Trump and admires Bishop Budde, whom Trump dislikes. Me? I’m neutral on Trump. Whatever his faults, he’s the democratically elected President of Blighty’s closest ally. Like any politician, he should be challenged and counselled as necessary, but there’s a time and a place and a manner, and Budde blew it. What did she do? Who is she even?
She’s the Right Rev Mariann Edgar Budde, 65, the first woman to lead the Episcopal Diocese of Washington. It was her sermon at the inaugural prayer service that angered Trump. She urged him to show mercy and compassion towards scared individuals, including “gay, lesbian and transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families”, as well as immigrants and those fleeing war and persecution. What she meant was, don’t deport illegals, and recognise more than the only two genders, despite the fact that Trump was elected on a platform of deportations and two genders.
Budde got it wrong. Firstly, Christian clergy should look to heal, unite, build trust, be confidantes, be empathetic. By confronting Trump (it was a confrontation in the particular context of presidential inauguration, no matter how politely and eloquently she expressed herself), she was also confronting, criticising and negatively judging the millions who had voted for him. As such, she handed ammunition to his detractors – Bishops shouldn’t be handling, never mind handing, ammunition. She did not heal; she exacerbated wounds. She did not build trust. She widened division. She had nothing new to say. No fresh insight, just a Democrat perspective. What Trump supporter would now feel comfortable pouring out their heart to her or indeed any clergy of similar mindset? She showed no empathy with people who are gender-critical or fearful of uncontrolled immigration for whatever reason.
Secondly, she failed to balance her criticism of Trump with criticism of the practice of pumping kids full of poisonous hormones and physically mutilating their bodies. She also failed to criticise the *criminal element that are residing illegally in the States and who have stolen, raped and murdered innocents and everyone deserving of state protection. If not balanced or clearly contextualised, as it wasn’t, Budde’s pronouncement was unChristian and alienating to true Christians and those who strive to become so.
In this regard, Trump was right. Budde isn’t a very good Bishop. Whether he should have said that in the way he said it is a different discussion. What Budde should have done was put her personal political opinions to one side and direct a healing message to everyone, not just wag her finger at Trump. She should have prayed something like: God give the incoming administration and their critics the strength and wisdom to lead America and the world through troubled waters to better times, to inspire the strong with Christian values, and to protect the vulnerable.
I exchanged these thoughts with G, who agreed with a couple of premises, but not the conclusions. And that was that. Another stimulating exchange had run its course. But then Starmer gate-crashed the party, and I had to have another pop.
Even more than Budde, Starmer is bad at his job. He’s not a leader, he’s a bully. He’s not inspirational, he’s confrontational. He’s not a healer, he’s a harmer (granny harmer, farmer harmer, you know the drill). A recent bluster of his was in, of all places, the Daily Mail. The headline screamed, “Government will stop the time-wasting Nimbys and zealots from holding the country to ransom”. He referred to one example as being particularly egregious – the A47 safety improvements. The works were severely delayed because of the tenacity of one man. Starmer didn't mention his name, but everyone knew who he was (a quick Google was all it took). The guy is livid. He said he feels bullied and stigmatised. He says it was wrong for the Prime Minister to publicly pick on a private citizen, simply because he was the PM. I’m not saying the A47 works aren’t necessary, or that the objector is right; I’m saying Starmer shouldn’t have singled out one person for a venomous take-down. There's a power imbalance here that Starmer exploited for political gain. Starmer is this chap's PM as well as everyone else's. Back off or leave the stage, Chum.
Similarly Budde, from her lofty pulpit in the world’s eye, used her superior religious and pastoral power to pick on one man – Trump. Doesn't matter that he's the President and this was part of his inauguration. Doesn’t matter that Trump is most of the time the most powerful man in America. During that sermon, in that pulpit, Budde was the more powerful and she abused it by being intellectually lazy and preaching to one man, her and the world’s captive audience. She forgot that 24/7/365, whether she’s in her pulpit or her bathtub, whether Trump is in the Oval Office or a golf buggy, she should preach to everyone because we are all equal in the eyes of God who, after all, is her boss. If Budde wanted compassion for those she perceived as vulnerable, she should have done it by respecting her power, and being clever with it, not cynically exploiting it.
I hope, to atone for her sins, she’s now praying ten-fold for the souls of the victims and loved ones of the two recent catastrophic air crashes in America. Trump has messed it up by politicising the Potomac disaster. Budde should ignore him on this. Instead, she should ease the passage towards Heaven of the many tragic souls caught up in these man-made disasters.
This is the job of a Bishop – redemption of the many, not the castigation of the one.
(The fact that some naturalised Americans also commit crimes is beyond the scope of this particular blog.)
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