
Who’s gambling with World War 3?

Wow! What a week at the Whitehouse. Zelensky and his Zealots think he was bullied, Trump’s Trumpeters think he’s king, and J D Vance’s Devotees think he was dissed.  What do I think? In the context of just that one showdown-meeting, Vance behaved badly, Zelensky behaved badly, and Trump behaved badly. In the wider context of geo-politics Russia, Ukraine, the EU and America all behaved badly. The UK, under BoJo, did better as far as it went, but with hindsight (a wonderful thing that too many claim is insight and thus are shortsighted), he should have devised a longer-term strategy for Ukraine. Maybe he did and his ‘colleagues’, uncivil servants and the EU shouted him down. Who knows what goes on behind closed doors. And therein lies the rub for the supposed ambushing of the Ukraine President: what transpired before the press conference with Zelensky? Said ambush caught experts and armchair commentators alike by surprise. Furthermore it was clumsily enacted, and the consequences wer...

A book by its cover

The Nazis effected countless unconscionable evils during their tenure. One might, therefore, evaluate book-burning as a comparatively minor odious pastime. While this is an accurate description in absolute terms – burning books does not physically harm humans – symbolically, it is a far more sinister and destructive act than the facile throwing of combustibles onto hot coals might suggest.

Trump card

‘Trump’ can mean to outdo or outflank the opposition. It stands to reason that, to achieve this, an element of surprise is required. I think it’s fair to say that so far, on the question of relations with the EU and Russia (including Ukraine, to whichever evil empire it might succumb) Trump has trumped with a series of surprises.

That sinking feeling

Does the fact that I started this blog on Valentine’s Day require me to undergo a Freudian analysis? Probably, especially when after reading this you’ll be asking: 1) How many sinking feelings does it take to change a lightbulb? and 2) How many sinking feelings can dance on the head of a pin? Yup. Friday was one of those days that had my heart sink into my stomach, and my feet into the ground up to my knees, several times over, exacerbated by recurring memories – or should I say nightmares – of historic sinking feelings.

Redemption, not castigation

I’ve mentioned my gentleman friend, G, before (but not in earshot of Hubby). G’s inspired a few of my blogs, which is a bit strange, given that politically he’s to the left of me (as are most people). But sometimes he comes up with an issue that hasn’t been on my radar, or an argument that’s so clever and insightful, and civilly expressed, I just have to pursue it.

For PhuD’s sake!

The deed is done, the doer (me) undone. The die is cast. I’ve only just gone an’ effin’ dun it, ’av’n I! Having believed so passionately in October 2023 that it was “ A PhuDder’s life for me ”, I’ve come to realise that, well, actually it isn’t. This week, I submitted a PhD-withdrawal request, which was processed quickly, unnervingly so. A bit like, ‘Get thee from our nunnery’.

Killing joy

Do you remember when we were kids and we’d spend hours catching snowflakes (not the sissy-kind) on our tongues, surrounding parked cars with white snowmen (not a non-white snowperson in sight), making the playground treacherous with ice-slides, throwing snowballs at our friends and cramming snow down the necks of bullies who were targeting the littl’uns?

Happy New Year!

I thought I’d end 2024 and begin 2025 as ever – mischievously provocative or maliciously incendiary, depending how tetchy you’re feeling. You might consider this blog to espouse minority views, or to be so out-of-court that I should be diagnosed as neurodiverse. In either case, on the altar of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, my blog should be tolerated, accommodated, widely disseminated and added to the school curriculum. On that note, Happy New Year to:

Racism – free speech, or what?

The Free Speech Union is on the ascendency. They recently crowned Two-tier Keir ‘Free Speech Zero’ of the year, even though he’s only been in power (that is, he’s abused his power) for less than six months. The announcement on LinkedIn was favourably received, apart from one or two gripers accusing the FSU and its rapidly growing membership of being free-speech absolutists, as if that were unquestionably a bad thing, or not speaking out about every single perceived free-speech injustice anywhere in the world.

The storm that stole Christmas

The list of thankless tasks grows ever longer. It already includes being a farmer, parish clerk, weather forecaster, pot-hole repairer and unfairly maligned, little understood, teeth-permanently-gritted water company executive. To this inauspicious list, I’d like to add another one: Music Director.

Hateful Conduct

Well, whaddya know. Before the ink has dried on my blog about Elon Musk , X restricts one of my posts for “Hateful Conduct”. But which post? There’s no shortage of candidates. Surprisingly, the post X did restrict wasn’t one of my worst; it was a response to a short exchange about the term ‘cis’. 

Elon Musk – A hero for our time

In one respect, Musk isn’t a very good businessman. He’s haemorrhaging members from X (formally Twitter), including The Guardian , Clifton Suspension Bridge and Elton John. Hmmm. Maybe Musk knows what he’s doing after all. Who wants to be associated with a sealed echo chamber, a brainless entity, and an irrelevant has-been?

Socialism stultifies

To its advocates, socialism aims to improve the lot of the less fortunate. To its critics, socialism is the politics of envy that, in reality, worsens the prospects of the less fortunate; its processes and outcomes include nepotism, control-freakery, deceit, bullying and unkindness. Exhibit A: Starmer Stalin. Exhibit B: history.

Just So

Who would have thought that I, anyone, could develop such a vitriolic, pathological hatred of ice. Not dry ice, ice cream, ice crystals, iced cakes, ice bergs, ice rinks … but ice cubes. If I never see another ice cube again, I’ll be deliriously happy, except I’ve got another fortnight to go.

Funny you should say that

I think it was Richard Littlejohn writing for the Daily Mail who said he wished Britain had a politician who, like Donald Trump, would make us laugh again. Cue lefty outrage. How dare Littlejohn say anything about Trump that’s not insulting. Typical of the Daily Mail to publish it. Trump is a misogynist / convicted felon / dictator / fascist. Anyone who doesn’t hate Trump is a **&£^%$! Don’t even joke about him. Which kinda proves Littlejohn’s point.

Empathy, empathy, they’ve all got no empathy

I was thinking about Two-Tier Free-Gear Starmer-Stalin and the perceived inconsistency and disproportionality of policing and sentencing. Here’s one example: 31months for a nasty Tweet (or two) by the wife of a Tory Councillor, which was her first rap. By some accounts, she’s still distressed by the death of her new-born a few years ago; the recent murders of the three Southport angels might have been a trigger for her. 

Would I lie to you?

As reported by some colleagues at the Open University, “The Welsh Labour government (reluctantly but with cross-party support) has committed to legislating to bar elected politicians from the Senedd if they refuse to apologise after having been found to have lied, even if the lie was committed outside the chamber.” Should this be the case in Westminster? On the one hand, off with the Labour politicians’ collective heads, I say. The gallows is too good for them. Lammy claimed the Chagos islanders had been consulted on his surrender to a Chinese ally – Lie. Reeves said the Tories had left her with a £22bn black hole – Lie. Starmer said he was a man of integrity – Oh, don’t make me laugh. And on and on and on, non-stop throughout Starmergeddon’s first 100+ days (Jeez – it feels like a lifetime). Another reason for such legislation is to mirror what the corporate world is subject to. For example, executives can’t lie about the financial state of the business. Further, employees who lie can...

A lady who lunches (and wines and dines and breakfasts)

Recently I was back at Cambridge for another excuse to eat, drink and be merry. Despite not being an over-achiever academically (although I am an over-achiever in the understatement department), I’ve always felt at home at College, rubbing shoulders and kissy-kissing with the higher achievers and more monied. This particular occasion tested my comfort zone in other ways but it remained unbreached, dear friends (with apologies to William and Harry – that’s Shakespeare and The Fifth).

The gift that keeps on giving

For a right-so-far adherent like me, I’m always on the lookout for evidence to back up my criticism of lefties. But, honestly. This Labour Government is handing me so much ammo on a platter, they’re taking the fun and challenge out of the game. Lies. Nepotism. Greed. Hypocrisy. Tone-deafness. Incompetence. Nastiness. Betrayal. Treason. In Spades! This is why I haven’t blogged for weeks – they’re giving me so much material, I don’t know where to start.

England ’til I die.

Hubby and I were in God’s own County for a few days, aka Yorkshire. As has become our norm, he mainly does his thing (cycling) and I do mine (hiking, shopping, PhuDding and blogging). Day one, he went off over the moors, while I legged it up a gill (a narrow valley to you southerners), in and out of thickly wooded areas, because the sun was hot hot hot, and trees are known to provide a bit of shade. We PhuDders know that sort of thing.